# About

This is an open source continuation of the Half-Life mod Master Sword Continued done by different people. Our goal is to move the game forward under a different name, and create a community driven game development.

Since this is an open source project, we appreciate any help we can get. Feel free to make a pull request or report issues you may find, and we will look at them when we can.

Keep in mind, this project is a different project from Master Sword Continue/Classic and managed by a different team completely. This means that any donations you've might have made did not go to us and went to the original team, but we do plan on keeping the "special thanks" stuff that were given to people as thanks for keeping the original project alive.

# Core Team

They are also responsible for maintaining the game related stuff and approving changes.

The names are listed in ABC order.

Name Role
BerntA Core Development
Dark4557 Public Relations
Dridmar Map Development
greatguys Core Scripting
Wishbone Core Development & Project Operations

# Developers

These people have been continuously contributing to this project and have been recognized for it.

The names are listed in ABC order.

Name Role
Alden Dwyer Sound Wizard
Dehoth Mapping
p-trick FuzzNet
The Oyster Hippopotamus Mapping

# Original Developers

Over the years of the game/mod there as been a lot of contributions that have made this game possible. Here (opens new window) is a semi-complete list of those who have made said contributions .

# Community Team

A thank you to all of our community team members, you can find them on via Discord distinguished in a blue name or under the Mod Team category.

# Founders

These are the people who helped found this project.

The names are listed in ABC order.

The Oyster Hippopotamus

# License

The Half-Life SDK code and scripts are licensed under GPL-3.0, which you can find the code here (opens new window).