# Intro to Contributing

# Code

We could always use some talented HLSDK (C/C++) programmers to help us address any of the issues here (opens new window)

# Scripting

Majority of the game logic like NPCs and items are handled by the scripts, if you would like to contribute with that then feel free to look through the repo (opens new window) or you feel free to ask in our Discord on what part you can help with!

# Other

We are always needing people to help us test the game as it is now so we can further stabilize it. Also, we could always use some music composers and models as well to help us further replace some of the content that needs updating. While this list is probably incomplete, these are some of the stuff we need. https://github.com/MSRevive/MasterSwordRebirth/issues/9

You can also ask us in our Discord about what you're able to help with as well!