Elvish Lexicon
Wild Elvish to Common English, A-Y
Updated Wild Elven Lexicon
Updated Last: 04/07
Wild elves substitute the following letters:
'f' for 'v' - “venison” becomes “fenison”
's' for 'z' - “buzz” becomes “buss”
'b' for 'p' - “pat” becomes “bat”
'y' for 'j' - “judge” becomes “yudge”
'th' as in thistle, for 'th' as in the
*a (long a) - and
*aedia (ay-ed-ee-a) - (n) mate, significant other
*aeirougon (I-roo-gon) - (n) defender/protector, capitalized Aeirougon to denote the actual protector people.
*a'helor (ah hel-or) - (n) word used to name the cry of the hawk. The Wild Elves place a certain value on that noise, and so have named it instead of referring to it as "the cry of the hawk"
*alcoa (al-co-ah) - (n) singer
*alíe (ah-lee-ay) - a greeting, literally means “greetings!”
*ane'el (ah-ney ell) - (n) guardian
*aran (ah-ron) - (n) watcher
*aye (eye) - yes
*aylo (eye-low) - (n) worker of materials, crafter, smith
*aylomen (eye-low-men) - (n) woodworker
*bria (bree-ah) - (n) swamp
*Bria'tandel (bree-ah tan-dell) - (n) swamp elves, literally “children of the swamp”
*Bria'theatan (bree-ah thee-ay-tin) - (n) swamp stalkers, name for a subtribal
group of swamp-dwelling fei'tandel that specifically hunt Unholy
*brir (brear) - (n) warrior
*dai (die) - second/secondary
*Dai Fei'Tandel (die fay tan-dell) - (n) second(ary) chiefs of the children; title of the first council
*dema (day-mah) - (n) a bow, as in bow & arrow
*demana (day-mah-nah) - (n) archer. Also, the Wild Elven name for the constellation Orion, whom they see as an archer. What is generally thought to be the right shoulder of Orion the wild elves see as a bow pointed into the air pulled back.
*demhi (day-me) - (n) a wisp
*dena (day-nuh) - (n) weapon
*drach'sa (drok-sa) - (n) droxa. This word was originally a Wild Elvish word for the droxa but it was corrupted by the settlers.
*ebri (ebb-ree) - (n) guest, visitor
*edena (E-day-na) - (n) war; literally 'from/of weapons'
*edena'luch (E-day-na luke) - (n) war stone; a stone Wild Elves give to their leader in a time of war to symbolize their commitment to the overall cause
*el- (ell) - prefix meaning patient or vigilant
*elara (E-larr-uh) - remembrance
*elara'luch (E-larr-a luke) - (n) “remembrance stone”. A traditional keepsake of both wild elven children and adults, it is a flat stone often attached to a necklace adorned with a marking which symbolizes a certain memory, feeling, or sentiment. It is a common gift when wishing to honor an individual, when parting for some time, or any other emotional event
*elomen (E-low-men) - (n) wood. Literally "from a tree"
*eluch (E-luke) - (n) troll; literally 'from/of stone'
*emane (E-mah-ney) - (n) ogre; literally 'from/of a mountain'
*ena'helo (E-na heh-low) - (n) falcon/hawk
*enu (E-new) - (n) elder
*enu'dai (E-new die) - (n) second eldest member of a council
*enu'tandel (E-new tan-dell) - (n) literally, elder of the children. Formal name for the leader of a tribe, an elder of a foreign tribe, a member of the Council of Aeirous, or an elder who has attended a Great Council
*enu'yai (E-new yi) - (n) eldest member of a council; has certain amount of prestige, if not actual power
*eosim (ay-o-sim) - (n) fang
*eosim'bria (ay-o-sim bree-ah) - (n) fang of the swamp
*eshu (E-shoe) - (n) peace, harmony, balance
*etana (E-tah-nuh) - (n) hunter
*faeleth (fay-el-leth) - steadfast, loyal, steady
*fei (fay) - (n) chief
*fei'tandel (fay tan-dell) - (n) contemporary name of Wild Elves, based off of historical figure of same name
*fendel (fen-dell) - (n) harvest/gathering
*holas (hole-es) - (n) breath
*hosol (hoe-suul) - (n) boat, vessel
*ki- (key) - prefix meaning great, best, large
*kidena (key-day-nuh) - (n) large weapon, for example: a polearm
*kili (key-li) - false, with the connotation of tricky, mischievous
*kilidehmi (key-li-day-me) - (n) fireflies; literally translated, means tricky wisp. Fireflies are thought of as mischievous insects which trick the wild elves into thinking they are wisps.
*kiholas (key-hole-es) - (n) wind, literally “great breath”
*kitanye (key-tahn-yay) - (n) the sun, literally “great fire.”
*le (lay) - (n) third person pronoun for 'she'
*ley (lay-E) - (n) plural of she, third person pronoun for a group of females
*lemana (lay-ma-na) - (v) to give
*lemanas (lay-ma-nas) - (n) giver
*lemana'holas (lay-ma-na hole-es) - (n) giving breath (part of the Tai'fendel ceremony)
*lo (low) - (n) third person pronoun for 'he'
*loma (low-mah) - (n) tree
*loma tolu'holas (low-mah toe-lu hole-es) - (n) Tree of Life (used in Kishar rituals)
*loy (low-E) - (n) plural of he, third person pronoun for a group of males
*lu (lew) - (n) third person pronoun for 'it'
*luy (lew-E) - (n) plural of it, third person pronoun for 'them' or 'they'
*luch (luke) - (n) stone
*mane (mah-nay) - (n) mountain
*na (nah) - (n) I, me. First-person singular personal pronoun
*na'a (nah-ah) - I am not\I do not (first person negative)
*na'oh (nah-oh) - I am\I do (first person affirmative)
*ni (nee) - (n) you. Second-person singular personal pronoun
*ni'a (nee-ah) - you are not\you do not (second person negative)
*ni'oh (nee-oh) - you are\you do (second person affirmative)
*olu (O-lu) - (n) water
*Olu'Etany (O-lu E-tah-nee) - (n) Muggluks, literally “hunters from the water”
*oran (or-an) - (n) teacher, instructor
*oran'tandel (or-an tan-dell) - (n) literally, teacher/instructor of the children. Formal title for wild elven task masters in charge of the managing of a good or service, such as the head bowcrafter.
*orany a enuy (or-an-ee ay ee-new-ee) - an expression of frustration like “dangnabbit,” literally meaning “teachers and elders”
*owie (o-wee) - (n) bluejay
*sana (sah-nah) - (v) to talk
*sanas (sah-nas) - (n) talker
*selan (sail-an) - (n) restplace, a temporary place to bed down, usually while traveling; a camp.
*selana'hosol (sell-ayn-uh hoe-suul) - (n) “restplace of boats”; dock, harbor. Exceptionally large docks, tribes which live immediately near or on top of the water, and arguably the foreigners' settlement Anchor Point can be referred to as Kisela'hosol (ki-sail-a hoe-suul), or “greatest/best/largest rest place of boats”
*shar (shar) - (n) healer, shaman, example: Tannous could be called a shar
*so- (so) - prefix meaning small
*sodena (so-day-nuh) - (n) small weapon, for example: a dagger
*sofel (so-fell) - (n) charge (as in task)
*sori (sore-e) - (n) sister
*tai (tay) - last
*tai'fendel (tay fen-dell) - (n) Last Harvest, the last holiday in the Wild Elven year. Celebration of all Kishar has given.
*tandel (tan-dell) - (n) children
*tanye (tahn-yay) - (n) fire
*tanye'ena'helo (tahn-yay ee-na heh-low) - (n) the Flame Falcon
*telu (tay-lu) - wild, unrestrained
*Telu'Tandel (tay-lu tan-dell) - (n) Wild Elven word for barbarians, literally “wild children”
*tene (ten-eh) - (n) fox
*theatan (thee-eh-tin) - (n) a stalker
*tola (toll-a) - (n) soul, life-spirit
*Tola'Hosol (toll-a hoe-suul) - (n) “soul boat”, “soul vessel”. Wild Elven name for the Moon. This relates to their beliefs regarding the afterlife and the travel of the soul.
*Tola'Selana (toll-a sell-A-nuh) - (n) “soul restplace”, or “restplace of the soul”. An extremely sacred word, this is the name for the place which the souls of all living creatures go, plant of animal, until they return to the living plane in another vessel. In Common, this is often referred to as “Kishar's Gardens”.
*tol'aedia (toll ay-ed-ee-ah) - (n) mated soul (the wild elves do not have marriage in the Western civilization sense. They do have a ceremony however which joins the souls. The major difference really is that there are no implications of a dominant gender like in Western civilization)
*tolu (toe-lu) - (n) spirit
*tolu'holas (toe-lu hole-es) - (n) life, literally "spirit breath"
*tolu'tanye (toe-lu tahn-yay) - (n) lightning, literally “spirit fire”
*wene (when-eh) - (n) wolf
*yai (yi) - first, sometimes has synonymous with oldest
*yai'sofel (yi so-fell) - (n) first charge (rite of passage in Wild Elven culture)
*Yai'Tanda (yi tan-duh) - (n) Wild Elven name for Kishar, literally “First Mother of Children”
*Yai'Tandel (yi tan-dell) - (n) first children; ancestral name of Wild Elves, presumably children of Kishar herself
*yai'tandela (yi tan-dell-ah) - (n) mother of the first children. Title given to the female wild elf who represents Kishar during the tai'fendel holiday.
*yal (yal) - (n, a) past
*yal'alcoa (yal al-co-ah) - (n) past singers (similar to bards of Merdensa, but also keep oral history)
*yon (yon) - (n) son. The suffix 'yon is attached to the mother's name to “name” a wild elven male who has not completed his yai'sofel
*yen (yen, like the Japanese currency) - (n) daughter. The suffix 'yen is attached to the mother's name to “name” a wild elven female who has not completed her yai'sofel. Rules for Word Meaning (Note: None of these rules are 100% constant. For example, a word can end with "a" without denoting maternalism. What is important is the context of the words.)
*-a = suffix which means "mother of". Will either be directly attached, or will conjugate if the word ends in vowels. Ex. "Elucha" is "mother of trolls", while "owia" is "mother of bluejays"
*-y = signifies pluralization of some words {eg. Fei(y)=chief(s)}
*-as = suffix used to make a verb into a noun, for physical verbs (see sanas)
*-us = suffix used to make a verb into a noun, for metaphysical verbs
Common to Wild Elvish
(some words do not lend themselves to translation)
*Anchor Point (n) - Kisela'hosol (ki-sail-a hoe-suul)
*and - a (long a)
*archer (n) - demana (day-mah-nah)
*balance (n) - eshu (E-shoe)
*Barbarians (n) - Telu'Tandel (tay-lu tan-dell)
*bluejay (n) - owie (o-wee)
*boat (n) - hosol (hoe-suul)
*bow (n) (as in bow & arrow) - dema (day-mah)
*breath (n) - holas (hole-es)
*camp (n) - selan (sail-an)
*charge (n) (as in task) - sofel (so-fell)
*chief (n) - fei (fay)
*children (n) - tandel (tan-dell)
*crafter (n) - aylo (eye-low)
*dagger (n) - sodena (so-day-nuh)
*daughter (n) - yen (yen, like the Japanese currency)
*defender (n) - aeirougon (I-roo-gon)
*dock (n) - selana'hosol (sell-ayn-uh hoe-suul)
*droxa (n) - drach'sa (drok-sa)
*elder (n) - enu (E-new)
*falcon (n) - ena'helo (ee-na heh-low)
*false - kili (key-li)
*fang (n) - eosim (ay-o-sim)
*fire (n) - tanye (tahn-yay)
*firefly (n) - kilidehmi (key-li-day-me)
*first - yai (yi)
*flame falcon (n) - tanye'ena'helo (tahn-yay ee-na heh-low)
*fox (n) - tene (ten-eh)
*gathering (n) - fendel (fen-dell)
*give (v) - lemana (lay-ma-na)
*giver (n) - lemanas (lay-ma-nas)
*greetings! - alíe (ah-lee-ay)
*guardian (n) - ane'el (ah-ney ell)
*guest (n) - ebri (ebb-ree)
*harbor (n) - selana'hosol (sell-ayn-uh hoe-suul)
*harmony (n) - eshu (E-shoe)
*harvest (n) - fendel (fen-dell)
*hawk (n) - ena'helo (ee-na heh-low)
*he (n) - lo (low)
*healer (n) - shar (shar)
*hunter (n) - etana (E-tah-nuh)
*I (n) - na (nah)
*instructor (n) - oran (or-an)
*it (n) - lu (lew)
*Kishar (n) - Yai'Tanda (yi tan-duh)
*last - tai (tay)
*life (n) - tolu'holas (toe-lu hole-es)
*lightning (n) - tolu'tanye (toe-lu tahn-yay)
*lightning bug (n) - kilidehmi (key-li-day-me)
*little - so (so)
*loyal - faeleth (fay-el-eth)
*mate (n) - aedia (ay-ed-ee-a)
*me (n) - na (nah)
*mischievous - kili (key-li)
*Moon, the (n) - Tola'Hosol (toll-a hoe-suul)
*mountain (n) - mane (mah-nay)
*Muggluks (n) - Olu'Etany (O-lu E-tah-nee)
*ogre (n) - emane (E-mah-ney)
*oldest - yai (yi)
*Orion (n) (the constellation) - Demana (day-mah-nah)
*past - yal (yal)
*peace (n) - eshu (E-shoe)
*polearm (n) - kidena (key-day-nuh)
*protector (n) - aeirougon (I-roo-gon)
*remembrance - elara (E-larr-uh)
*restplace (n) - selan (sail-an)
*second - dai (die)
*secondary - dai (die)
*shaman (n) - shar (shar)
*she (n) - le (lay)
*ship (n) (boat) - hosol (hoe-suul)
*significant other (n) - aedia (ay-ed-ee-a)
*singer (n) - alcoa (al-co-ah)
*sister (n) - sori (sore-e)
*small - so (so)
*smith (n) - aylo (eye-low)
*son - yon (yon)
*soul (n) - tola (toll-a)
*spirit (n) - tola (toll-a)
*spouse (n) - aedia (ay-ed-ee-a)
*stalkers (n) - theatan (thee-eh-tin)
*steadfast - faeleth (fay-el-eth)
*steady - faeleth (fay-el-eth)
*stone (n) - luch (luke)
*Sun, the (n) - Kitanye (key-tahn-yay)
*swamp (n) - bria (bree-ah)
*swamp elves (n) - Bria'tandel (bree-ah tan-dell)
*swamp stalkers (n) - Bria'theatan (bree-ah thee-ay-tin)
*talk (v) - sana (sah-nah)
*talker (n) - sanas (sah-nas)
*task (n) - sofel (so-fell)
*teacher (n) - oran (or-an)
*them (n) - luy (lew-E)
*they (n) - luy (lew-E)
*tree (n) - loma (low-mah)
*tricky (mischievous) - kili (key-li)
*troll (n) - eluch (E-luke)
*unrestrained - telu (tay-lu)
*vessel (n) (boat) - hosol (hoe-suul)
*visitor (n) - ebri (ebb-ree)
*war (n) - edena (E-day-na)
*warrior (n) - brir (brear)
*watcher (n) - aran (ah-ron)
*water (n) - olu (O-lu)
*weapon (n) - dena (day-nuh)
*wild - telu (tay-lu)
*Wild Elves (n) - Yai'Tandel (yi tan-dell)
*wind (n) - kiholas (key-hole-es)
*wisp (n) (the creature) - demhi (day-me)
*wolf (n) - wene (when-eh)
*wood (n) - elomen (E-low-men)
*woodcrafter (n) - aylomen (eye-low-men)
*woodsmith (n) - aylomen (eye-low-men)
*woodworker (n) - aylomen (eye-low-men)
*yes - aye (eye)
*you (n) - ni (nee)
Elvish to Common English Words
Ok guys here's a very basic list of some of the most common translated words in Elvish.
En (ENN) - Tree
Mae (may) - Star
Luna (LOON-ah) - Light
Lance (LONCE) - Sword (the 'lon' part of that pronounciation is like in english lawn, not land)
Fae (fay) - Sun
Lan (LOHN) - Winter (pronoucned like english 'lawn')
Ethan (Eh-THON) - Mute or Speechless (Eh pronounced like the first 'e' in english Chester, thon like thong)
Ros (rowss) - Mare or Horse (pronounced like english gross without the 'g')
Wae (WAY) - Night
Mulda (mull-DAH) - Forsaken (Mull like the 'hull' of a ship, only with an 'm')
Grem (GREEM) - Master (like Green or Greem) :)
Wen (WEEN) - Hawk
At (AHT) - World (pronounced like ought in 'fought')
Ran (RON) - Wind
Cro (CROW) - Sea, Ocean
Tyr (TEAR) - Long
Sath (SAATH) - King (pronounced like 'wraith' only with an 'S')
Ar (ARE) - Earth
Myr (MEER) - Stone
Astor (AZ-tore) - Pillar
Goriand (GORE-ee-and) - Bringer, to bring
Toriand (TORE-ee-and) - Summoner, to summon
Mal (Mal) - Shadow (pronounced like mal in mallard or english name Malcolm)
Lor (LORE) - The
Medefalon (mah-DEF-ah-lon) - Avenge
Fe (FAY) - Pronounced the same as 'sun', means Me or I.
Rek (RECK) - Must
Aleo (ah-LAY-oh) - Fall (can be easily modified Aleon (ah-LAY-on) - Fallen)
Velda (VEL-dah) - Wicked (VEL as in velvet)
Vea (VAY-ah) - Woe
Cyl (KAI-ahl) - Tear
Cledsar (CLED-sarr) - Watch
Sylen (SILE-enn) - A type of giant tree
Fyr (FEAR) - Flare
Pelda (PELL-dah) - Heart
Gulda (GULL-dah) - Green
Relda (RELL-dah) - Red
Selda (SELL-dah) - Blue
Malda (MALL-dah) - Black
Lunda (LOON-dah) - White
Cor (CORE) - Knight, Warrior
Ramacor (RAH-mah-core) - Ranger, Arrow Warrior
Alda (AL-dah) - Pale
Lewa (LEE-wah) - Bane
Mondal (MOHN-doll) - Spirit
Endal (ENN-doll) - Magic
Paece (PAY-see) - Dragon
Elda (ELL-dah) - Sky
Mare (MAIR) - Bridge
Te (TAY) - Of
Wy (WEE) - Is, Are, Am
Wa (WAH) - As
Tur (TOOR) - Like
Wyst (WEEST) - Was
Now (NO) - Did
Ne (NEE) - Not
Cel (SELL) - Ruin
Ere (AIR) - Mist
Pera (PER-ah) - In
Tera (TER-ah) - Out
Ysa (EE-sah) - Land
Eswen (EZ-wenn) - Forest
Imojen (EE-mo-JIN) - Travel (thus Traveller = Imojenin)
Tsa (Sah) - Less
Tso (Soh) - More
Tsy (Sy) - Some
Edra (ED-ra) - Fire
Leria (LER-ee-ah) - Liquid
Rogoth (ROW-goth) - Demon
Veldaleria (LER-ee-ah) - Poison, wicked liquid.
Lo (LOW) - And
Fo (FOW) - But (pronounced like �Bow� in bow-and-arrows, cept with F)
To (TOW) - Or (pronounced like �Fo� only with a T)
Uswed (OOS-wed) - Say, Speak
Myo (MEE-oh) - One
Syo (SEE-oh) - Two
Dyo (DEE-oh) - Three
Lyo (LEE-oh) - Four
Nyo (NEE-oh) - Five
Kyo (KEE-oh) - Six
Wyo (WEE-oh) - Seven
Hyo (HEE-oh) - Eight
Jyo (JEE-oh) - Nine
Ryo (REE-oh) - Zero
Modifiers to Numbers
Sa (SAH) - Added to number makes it 10 more
Ra (RAH) - Added to number makes it 100 more
Ma (MAH) - Added to number makes it 1000 more
Masa (MAH-sah) - Added to number makes it 10000 more
Mara (RAH-sah) - Added to number makes it 100000 more
Mama (MAH-mah) - Added to number makes it 1000000 more
Jae (JAY) - It
Mel (MELL) - Good
Mele (MELL-ay) - Order
Bel (BELL) - Bad
Se (ZAY) - You
Aid (EYE-d) - Be
Asd (AZ-Dah) - Get
Kyr (KAI-err) - Will
Kyae (KAI-ay) - With
Nemro (NEEM-row) - Time
Orae (OH-ray) - Last
Arae (AH-ray) - Next
Paero (PAY-row) - Yours, Your
Faero (FAY-row) - Mine, My
Dam (DOM) - Our
Ghed (GED) - Know (pronounced like Said only with �G�)
O (Oh) - To
Orre (OR-ay) - From
A (Ah) - Do
E (EE) - Take/Achieve
Eya (EE-yah) - Give
Anna (ah-NA) - Can
Benerat (BEN-er-oht) - Subdue
Ghod (GOD) - See
'N SUFFIX ('enn') - Under
'T SUFFIX ('ett') - Over
Kyrea (keer-EE-ah) - Wing
Yma (EE-mah) - For
Tigas (TIE-gahs) - easy
Bigas (BY-gahs) - difficult
Fie (FEE) - Yes
Hie (HEE) - No
Kaned (kah-NAYD) - Attack
Ago (Ah-go) - Let
Aela (Ay-lah) - Shine
Kale (KAH-lay) - Symbol
Well (WELL) - Care
It (EYE-t) - Ful
Eler (E-lair) - Want
Aler (AH-lair) - Need
Am (AHM) - Indicates action
Hers (HURZ) - Us (turn to 'Hersa' for we)
Mers (MURZ) - Them (turn to 'Mersa' for they)
Ya (YAH) - Un
Leao (LEE-ay-oh) - He, Male, Man
Seao (SEE-ay-oh) - She, Female, Woman
Leaone (LEE-ay-oh-nay) - FatherSeaone (SEE-ay-oh-nay) - Mother
Saer (SAY-err) - Where
Taer (TAY-err) - What
Waer (WAY-err) - Who
Baer (BAY-err) - Why
Naer (NAY-err) - When
Kalae (KAH-lay) - Here, Near
Palae (PAH-lay) - There, Far
Yapalae (YA-pah-lay) - Behind ('unthere')
Dumen (DOO-men) - On/Above
Sep (SEHP) - Go
Tep (TEHP) - Come
Tso (SO) - More
Tsal (SALL) - Much
Paed (PAID) - That
Paes (PAY-ees) - This
Renual (RAY-new-all) - Day
Nual (NEW-all) - Night
Melda (MELL-dah) - Within
Maloas (MALL-oh-as) - Suffered
Gos (GOSS) - Have
Time modifiers:
Nemran (NEEM-ran) - Now
Nemrel (NEEM-rel) - Soon
Nemwyn (NEEM-ween) - Then
Nemsan (NEEM-son) - Later
Nemgo (NEEM-goh) - Forever
Nemso (NEEM-soh) - Never
Diamed (DIE-ah-med) - Moon
Tanam (TANN-am) - Walk
Ganam (GANN-am) - Move
Seram (SERR-ahm) - River
Seralda (SERR-all-dah) - Rain
Kemena (KEH-mah-nah) - Disciple
Luria (LUR-ee-ah) - Life
Hersi gos maloas tsal, fo taero malrai kyr nemrel aid (ended)
Lumia (LOO-mee-ah) - Love
Malia (MALL-ee-ah) - Hate
Ramat (RAH-mat) - Arrows
Po (PO) - Over/Too
Lymia (LEE-mee-ah) - Revere/Awe
Malwy (MALL-wee) - Fight
Ghedwyr (GHED-weer) - Learn
Dyla (DIE-lah) - Gold/Money
Esa (ESS-ah) - Through
El (ELL) - Prefix/Suffix for 'Relation/tie'
Der (DERR) - Soul
Loma (LOW-mah) - hope
Res (REZ) - hard
Duna (DOO-nah) - armor
Ky (KEE) - means
Lum (LOOM) - Brotherly love (sort've)
Sycant (SEE-cant) - Protect
I (EE) - a, singular