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Blood Axe

In-Game Description says:

"A sinister breed of axe forged with the blood of vampires and demons."

Blood Axe

Blood Axe


Base Skill Axes
Level to Wield 15
Damage Type Slash
Base Damage 500
1st Charge Strong Hit
2nd Charge Vampirism

The Blood Axe is a mid Tier, two-handed Axe Handling weapon. The weapon is slow and relatively inaccurate, but makes up for it in with its damage and vampire ability.



If the enemy hit is not undead or otherwise immune to vampire effects, the player heals for the amount of damage the dealt / 3, as long as the resulting HP isn't above max health.


  • Demontemple after last boss if there are 7 players with at least 20 max health on the server that are not flagged as AFK at the time of opening the chest.

  • Random the_wall chest reward.