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Using Git/Github

If you're familiar with how Git and Github works then there's no need for you to read this page.


It's recommended you download a GUI for Git unless you enjoy using the Git CLI. We recommend Github Desktop because it's simple to use and works great with Github.


  • Create an account at Github.
  • Fork the respective repository to your account once you're logged in by clicking the "Fork" button. This will fork the reposition to your Github account so you commit your changes.
  • Once the repository is forked you'll need to "Clone" it to your system using Github Desktop.
    • On Github Desktop go to the button at the top-ish left corner of the application. It should have a little down arrow, click that.
    • On the sub menu that popped up you should see a button that say "Add" click it and click "clone repository"
    • It should bring up a list of repositories you have access too, assuming Github Desktop is connected to your Github account.
    • Find the repository that you forked, it should have your Github username and then the Repository name. For exmaple Saintwish/MasterSwordRebirth
    • Once you click the repository it will bring up a page to choose where you want the repository to be downloaded to.
  • Now you can start commiting your work, just start modifying the files of the repository you just downloaded. Once you're done you'll need to commit your work by going to the Github Desktop application and click "Commit to ..." at the bottom of the application.
  • Now you'll need to upload your commit by clicking the "Push Origin" at the top right-ish of the application.
  • Once your work is commited and uploaded to your fork you'll need to make a Pull Request.