Identical Entities
- msmonster_skeleton
- msmonster_troll
- msmonster_giantrat
- msmonster_giantbat
- msmonster_orcwarrior
- msmonster_orcberserker
- msmonster_orcarcher
- msmonster_orcranger
Any pointentity prefixed with msmonster_ will functionally be identical to ms_npc. Feel free to use the different named entities organizationally, since only their preview models and default scripts are different.
lives integer
- number of times monster will respawn, if omitted or set zero, respawns forever.
spawnchance [1-100]
- chance of monster respawning with each spawn check, generally this should be 100%
delaylow seconds
- minimum time between spawn checks, in seconds
delayhigh seconds
- maximum time between spawn checks, in seconds
spawnarea spawnAreaName
- Ties monster to an msarea_monsterspawn (see below). Do not attempt to place monsters without monster spawns, it leads to issues.
killtarget triggerString
- [optional] Triggers this entity when monster dies. (It does not remove the target the way the same property of trigger_relay does)
perishtarget triggerString
- Trigger this when all lives are exhausted
scriptfile scriptfile
- determines monster/NPC type see list of applicable script files
Be aware that script names are cAsE sEnsItivE.
descriptfile scriptfile
- [optional] As above, but seems to be required for some monsters. Generally, it's best to leave this as the FGD sets it.
nplayers integer - Only spawn this monster if there this number of players, or more, present (AUG2007 or later)
reqhp integer - Only spawn this monster if the total HP of all players on the server is above this number (AUG2007 or later)
title string-Change the monster's name to this (SEP2007a or later)
dmgmulti float-Multiply the monster's damage by this factor (must be > 1, SEP2007a or later)
hpmulti float-Multiply the monster's hitpoints by this factor (must be > 1, SEP2007a or later)
params token-string-Additional Parameters to adjust the monster. (Usage of this system is explained here.)
targetname targetString (used by other entities, such as ms_npcscript or trigger relay, to target the monster )
(angles, origin)
Example: A Cave Spider script using the msmonster_giantrat entity for previewing. | |
Params Key Details
Multiple addparams and their parameters are separated by semi-colons.
Beware, due to Hammer limitations, your total addparam string's length will need to be less than 100 characters. You can, however, split addparams with the ms_monsterspawns pass parameters property*, or the map's global addparams property.
These can also be applied, individually, to a monster when crossing a certain point in the map, by using the Scriptevent property on a trigger_once or trigger_multiple flagged triggerable by monsters, or with the msnpc_script entity.
They can also be added, globally, to all monsters, via Map Properties->Global Addparams(map_addparams), or to a specific set of monsters, via the ms_monsterspawn/msarea_monsterspawn's Pass AddParams(params)* property.
- Change monster's race for interaction with other mobs.
- For a complete list of faction interaction see: msc/test_scripts/reference_scripts/races.script
- Removes monster wander function.
- Flags the mob as an invalid target to other NPCs (so it won't be attacked).
- If the NPC is friendly, set_race;beloved is preferable to this, as invalidated NPC's can still be damaged by AOE attacks.
- Designates this NPC as critical and initiates "siege map" mode.
- 1/3 of every monster spawned hereafter will attempt to hunt any NPC with this tag.
- Ignores critical NPCs on siege maps.
- Simulates attacking an object until damaged or spots an enemy.
- Removes step-adjustment procedure (step size will be 16 units, regardless of mob height).
- Removes the requisite that the mob must see a target to attack it.
- Particularly useful with overscaled monsters that need to be able to attack through their minions.
- Causes monster to stay in place and act as a turret.
- Monster removes when related ms_monsterspawn is removed via killtarget
- Normally, mobs immediately cycle up if they spawn near a player, this prevents that behavior.
- Monster will not target players until attacked.
- Setting this to 0 causes mob to ignore func_monsterclips.
- Monster will removes if it doesn't find a valid target within <secondsafter spawning.
- Similarly, monster will remove if it doesn't find a target <secondsafter cooling down.
Visual Effects
- set_scale;
- Increase/decrease monster size, attempts to alter collision box and reach to match.
- set_scale_nr;
- As above, but with no reach adjustment.
- set_scale_nb;
- As above, but with no bounding box adjustment (best when size ratio is between 0.75-1.25)
- As above, but with neither reach nor bounding box adjustment.
- Changes the default monster model.
- model_pathshould exclude the
prefix, and must end in ".mdl" - Model must be precached or will crash.
- Changes the submodel indexing on the monster's model.
- Part and submodel index must be separated by a colon ":".
- Keep in mind that the HLMV indexes from 1, while the game indexes from 0.
- Changes the model skin.
- Keep in mind that the HLMV indexes from 1, while the game indexes from 0.
- glow_green
- glow_blue
- glow_yellow
- glow_purple
- Adds a glow-shell of the indicated color to the monster
- Gives mob a additive/holographic render.
- (can be removed with remove_ghost)
- Causes monster to 'fade in' on spawn.
- Causes monster to appear from a summoning circle with sound.
- Causes monster to spawn with a teleport effect and sound.
- Causes monster to spawn in with a sprite effect and sound.
- As setfx_sprite_in, but uses a different sprite.
- Causes monster to spawn in with a lightning bolt effect.
- Triggers a magic sound on spawning. (set_summon_circle/sprite_in already do this.)
- Sets combat music when encountering this monster.
- Overrides any existing combat music setting.
- Optional - determines the length of the combat music for a cleaner loop.
- Tells the combat music system to ignore requests to start combat music from this monster.
- Useful if the monster cannot be slain and will be targeting perpetually - such as the killer whales in Shendar_East's nightmare sequence.
- Take no damage from players.
- Creates a white glow shell and makes NPC invulnerable.
- This can be removed via msnpc_script or when crossing a monster-triggerable brush with the scriptevent: make_vulnerable.
- fire_immune
- poison_immune
- Grants immunity to related damage type.
- Sets monster's stun resistance, 0-100%.
- Changes monster's vulnerability to specific element.
- Element type and ratio must be separated by a colon.
- speed_x2
- speed_x2_5
- speed_x3
- Increases monster's frame rate, causing it to both move and attack more quickly.
- (Adjusts XP)
- Adjusts movement speed without adjusting attack speed.
- Do not use to create turrets (see set_npc_turret).
- Adjusts XP.
- Adds demon blood to monster.
- Default multiplier is x5 damage.
- Adjusts XP.
- Flags NPC as boss (adds regeneration, resistance to previously slain players, and increases XP.)
- Lets you add a parry skill to the mob (should be >100 to have effect)
- add_dot_cold;[ratio]
- add_dot_fire;[ratio]
- Grants DOT of type to the monster, coupled with a glow shell related to the element.
- [ratio] increases or reduces the DPS.
- Adjusts XP.
- Causes monster to teleport to current target every [frequency] seconds (default 20).
- Adjusts XP.
- As above, but monster will select targets randomly, rather than continuously teleporting to the same target.
set_lshield *
- Grants the monster a lightning field, similar to The Hollow One
- Adjusts XP
- Strips gold and drops from a monster. (Usually)
- Reduces XP.
- Causes the monster to self adjust based on the total hp of active players.
- adjust_max can be set from 1-5, indicating the maximum level of adjustment levels the mob can use (this helps prevent overpowered monsters, and is highly recommended with any monster with a base HP of higher than 5,000.)
- On self adjusting maps, cause the monster not to be counted when determining the average tier.
- This is useful for monsters towards the beginning of the map that may be slain before all players have connected.
- Monster is worth less than maximum XP until the map has been running this many minutes, ramping from 0 to full XP during this time.
- Useful for high level bosses with easy access.
- Changes the mob's attack range.
- Does not work for all monsters, or on monsters with multiple attacks of differing ranges.
- Causes mob to say something on spawn.
- Beware there is no sanity check, and using double quotes or odd characters may crash your compile.
- 'text' should be in single quotes if any spaces are used.
- As above, but text is said when first spotting an enemy.
- As above, but text is said when mob dies.
- Changes the monsters bounding box type (none will cause it to be noclip to players)
set_dyn_spawn *
- Causes the mob to teleport off-map on spawn, then try to find a spot where no player is looking within its msarea_monsterspawn before teleporting back in.
set_world_spawn;[distance] *
- As set_dyn_spawn, except the monster will attempt to teleport to a random player within the world, favoring clustered players.
- [distance] defaults to 512 if omitted, and represents the maximum distance the monster will attempt to spawn from the player.
Universal Eventnames
For use with ms_npcscript, these work with most NPCs, including monsters/lure:
XXXX_race - where XXXX is, replace with desired race. This is buggy, and may cause issues (including crash). Common uses include: orc_race, hated_race, beloved_race, human_race. Full faction list and relations can be found here.
ELEMENT_immune: Where ELEMENT is, replace with desired element. Valid elements currently include: lightning, fire, poison, and cold. Using normal_immune sets all immunities to normal (including any immunities the creature might normally have).
fifty_armor - sets 50% damage absorption.
- eighty_armor - sets 80% damage absorption.
- make_invulnerable - makes monster invulnerable (godmode)
- make_vulnerable - makes monster vulnerable
- add_XXX_health - where XXX is use 10, 100, 500, or 1000 (untested)
- double_health - Doubles creature's health based on current. Prefixes name with "Strong ", can be used repeatedly (but name effect stacks)
- quad_health - Quadruplescreature's health based on current. Prefixes name with "Very Strong ", can be used repeatedly (but name effect stacks)