Developing for Master Sword: Rebirth Overview
This page should give you a general overview about developing for Master Sword: Rebirth. Inside, you can click a section according to the type of content you want to develop. To find specific information, search for keywords of your interest, or navigate the left-hand panel menu.
Audio includes sound effects, music, and extensive voice acting for our characters.
It would just be all test levels without us! Creating maps for MS:Rebirth means learning how to make maps for Goldsrc, the engine powering Half-Life 1.
The art of polygonal wizardry. Modeling includes meshing, UVing, rigging, animating, texture creation, and anything else your creation requires. Getting your content into the game means complying with some limitations set by Goldsrc, the engine powering Half-Life 1.
Programming for MS: Rebirth can include writing in C, C++, our proprietary scripting language, Angelscript, GO, or possibly even your own specialty.
Here you can find links to resources or programs that are used by other developers, with a short description.
- Don't forget to check the left-hand navigation menu for ALL recorded MS:C patch notes!
TWHL: Half-Life and Source Mapping Tutorials and Resources
The 303's Goldsrc Tutorials & Resources. HIGHLY Recommended for both modelers and mappers!
Pixabay - High quality stock images, lots of CC0 content.
Poly Haven - High quality models, HDRIs, and materials mostly CC0.
Material Maker - Substance Designer replacement, open source, free, based in Godot engine.